The IPSA curriculum integrates a foundational preparatory cycle with rigorous scientific and technical education, along with extensive training in general and professional engineering.

At the core of IPSA’s program are mathematics, physics, electronics, aerospace engineering, and digital technologies. The “general and professional training” segment equips students with essential skills in communication, project and team management, and prepares them for roles in international business environments.
IPSA’s program is both open and forward-thinking, offering a wide array of opportunities for students eager to build a career in aerospace and aeronautics.
- 3 years of undergraduate programme, leading to
- 2 years of graduate programme
General Organisation
The undergraduate programme consists of 3 years of Studies (Aéro 1, Aéro 2, Aéro 3).
It provides students with the knowledge and methodology needed to become aerospace and aeronautical engineers. The programme combines traditional teaching methods (lectures, seminars, and practical workshops), flipped classroom sessions, projects, and internships.
Each semester is worth 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits and the whole programme is equivalent in total to 180 ECTS credits.
This programme includes 3 internships:
- an optional internship of 1 month in Aéro 1
- a mandatory internship of 2 months in Aéro 2
- an optional internship of 2 months in Aéro 3
This programme is delivered in French or English on our Paris campus and in French only in Toulouse and Lyon.
The engineer’s scientific and technical courses : 3/4 of our undergraduate program is dedicated to scientific and technical training, with core modules in :
- Fundamental sciences
- Physics
- Engineering sciences
- Aeronautics and Space
The Engineer’s General courses : 1/4 of the program is dedicated to general and professional training in order to prepare students to their future professional environment. All undergraduate students must take core modules in :
- Humanities and Ethics
- Business knowledge
- Languages
In Aéro 3, students get to choose between two specializations :
- Aerospace Vehicles
- Aerospace Systems
After these 3 years, students continue their studies with the Master’s program.